• Hi Carlos,

    I just spoke with my clients and I want to thank you so much.

    They loved it and everything worked out excellent. They really enjoyed the program you made for them.

    They were able to see so many places and do so many things. They liked the mix with adventure, nature, beach and sometimes even luxury in a Jacuzzi.

    I really would like to go to Costa Rica and find out for myself. I think I would be able to send even more clients to you then.

    Best regards,

    Tina Vestin, Sweden - 01/02/2014
  • Having just returned from a fantastic holiday in Costa Rica, thanks in part to the brilliant services offered by your company, I felt compelled to write and pass on my thanks to all involved.

    From the moment we arrived at San Jose, every single arrangement ran like clockwork – every transfer was comfortable and on time and every tour was extremely enjoyable. We must mention our guide Juan on our 3 day trip to Tortuguero. He was very personable and extremely knowledgeable, as well as having the patience of a saint (one member of our group was particularly difficult). We plan to return to Costa Rica to see more of your amazing country and will not hesitate to let your organisation arrange it for us.

    Very many thank.

    Annie Baxter, UK - 18/01/2014
  • Hello

    I have recently returned from the above tour and felt compelled to write to you to thank you for a wonderful holiday. My travel companion and I have travelled quite extensively, and indeed we have both toured Costa rice previously, but I can honestly say that this was one of the best holidays we have ever had. This was in no small part due to the excellent services of our wonderful guide Hector Calvo. He enhanced our holiday by his love and knowledge of your wonderful country, its flora and fauna, and we felt privileged as a group to travel together and share some memorable experiences. Everything ran like clockwork and nothing was too much trouble! Thanks also go to our driver Luis who was very much a part of the group and helped to spot lots of wildlife.

    We look forward to travelling to Costa Rica again before too long and will definitely be using your services and will recommend your company to others thinking of travelling to Costa Rica.

    Please pass on our sincere thanks for truly memorable holiday.

    Kind regards

    Karen Sheridan - 01/01/2014
  • Dear all,

    We’re back in Switzerland since a bit more than 10 days and it’s time for us to say THANK YOU and give our comments.

    We spent 20 wonderful days in your beautiful country. We were in very good hands with Lars, our guide, and Orlando our driver. The car was very comfortable, Orlando drove safely, was always polite and in a good mood and the pick up time was always respected. Lars gave us lots of useful and interesting informations in many different fields (flora, fauna, geography, politics, etc.). His French was perfect and he was so kind to translate in English for my sister-in-low. We appreciated both of them so much. The trip as well as the hotels and lodges were very good. We enjoyed every single place very much. Accomodation, service, food and cleanness were perfect everywhere. The tours were well handled and we had also enough time for relaxing. Also the transfers from Tango Mar – Tambor to Corcovado via San Jose and Drake Bay and the way back from Corcovado to San Jose were excellent.

    Not once we were worried or disappointed. We felt we were in good hands and could relax and enjoy our holidays a maximum.

    Every good thing has an end. Work and school started again. We have plenty of pictures from Costa Rica that we have to sort and put in an album. More than pictures, we have plenty of good feelings and emotions which we’ll keep for long time in our heart.

    For us, and especially for our 13 years old son, Costa Rica was PURA VIDA !!!

    Thanks a lot !!

    Alaa, Corinnel - 02/07/2013
  • Hello Carlos

    Graeme and I wanted to send an email to thank you so much for arranging such an amazing honeymoon for us in Costa Rica. We had a fantastic time and all the arrangements you had set up ran perfectly and all the drivers we had were friendly and professional. All the accommodation we stayed in was also fantastic and we had a lovely time experiencing different places.

    Costa Rica is a beautiful country and we had a truly amazing time. The Pacuare Lodge in particular was a completely unique experience and we loved it. We also really appreciated you calling us and checking everything was ok.

    Thank you so much for everything and we would love to come back to Costa Rica one day!

    Best wishes,

    Emma & Graeme Brown, UK - 01/06/2013
  • Dear Nick.

    We thought we must get in touch to say a huge thank you for all the arrangements for our trip to Costa Rica, which exceeded our expectations in every way! Travel Excellence certainly lived up to their name, with their efficiency, their helpfulness and the drivers who acted as very good ambassadors for their country. The time spent in long drives with them became a very big part of our enjoyment as we were able to chat with them and find out so much about the country and its way of life (something we wouldn’t have had the opportunity for in a big group).

    We found the hospitality in each of the lodges very welcoming, some standing out even more than others.

    Thank you again – we shall certainly recommend Costa Rica and Veloso Tours.

    Best wishes,

    Wendy & Dennis, UK - 01/05/2013
  • Below is a copy of an email I have just sent on returning from your wonderful country.

    Dear Sir/Madam, we have just returned from this excellent tour and wanted to say how much we enjoyed the country. Our Tour Director and Guide, Alex Castro was exceptional. He was ably assisted by our driver Luis and nothing was too much trouble for either of them.

    Alex was very knowledgeable on all aspects of Costa Rica, it’s people, history and especially bird and wildlife – he really made the country come alive to our group. His ability to spot and identify birds and animals ensured that we saw many species – around 130 in all. Our driver Luis also proved to be a good ‘spotter’ as well as driver and they made a good team. In Tortuguero, Alex had requested the services of Marvin at Pachira Lodge and their combined expertise was a revelation to the whole party.

    Alex and Luis are wonderful ambassadors for both Costa Rica and Travel Excellence and also, by association, Archers. We shall recommend this holiday to our friends.

    Yours faithfully,

    Brian and Yvonne Potter, UK - 02/04/2013
  • We have just returned from Costa Rica having spent three weeks organised by you for us in conjunction with Trailfinders. I just wanted to thank you for your excellent service.

    Apart from the one taxi driver that I have already spoken to you about and which wasn’t your fault the whole holiday was a complete success.

    All hotels were excellent,all transfers and transport were carried out smoothly,all tours and trips were very enjoyable and all contacts were friendly and helpful.

    Thank you very much for all your help.

    George Constance, UK. - 01/03/2013
  • Buenas tardes,

    No nos cabe duda de la calidad de personal de Travel Excellence y les agradecemos por todo el apoyo brindado a la comunidad de San Rafael de Peñas Blancas.

    Hoy los niños no tuvieron lecciones debido a un evento de la regional, sin embargo la escuela estaba llena, como cualquier otro dia lectivo. Los niños compartieron mucho con sus visitantes.

    Nos parece digno de compartir lo siguiente:

    Hay una niña de segundo grado que tiene problemas (algo muy similar al autismo) e involucrarla en las actividades diarias de la escuela es casi imposible. Ella requiere ser atendida individualmente y justamente mi hermana es quien se encarga voluntariamente de ayudarle dos veces a la semana.

    La primera ves del año, cuando Alex Castro vino, ella no dijo una palabra, pero la vimos acercarse a la sala de eventos. Hoy en la mañana cuando les comentaba a las compañeras que Alex vendria de guia, la niña fue a su casa a alistarse y se decidio a bailar muy sonriente, nos dijo que estaba feliz en la actividad y se le notaba!!!.

    Nunca antes habia bailado y lo hizo muy bien. Ella se trajo al hermanito y lo puso de acompañante de baile. Eso fue un gran logro!

    Por supuesto sabemos que todos los guias de su empresa son excepcionales, pero que lindo hoy resaltar nuestro agradecimiento hacia Alex, por mostrarse tan abierto a vivir la actividad cultural de la misma manera que la viven los niños nuestros. Se le nota que disfruta lo que hace. Una maestra dijo que si la sicopedagoga la hubiera visto, no podria creerlo!!!

    Cosas que pasan, aveces un lindo gesto hace una gran diferencia y nos queda claro que interactuar permite a los niños de la escuela San Rafael ser niños diferentes, con una perspectiva muy amplia.

    Tuve la oportunidad de manifestarle a Alex lo acontecido y quise enviarles este mensaje de agradecimiento, por hacer posible tantas cosas buenas por aqui.

    Lindsay Padilla C., La Fortuna de San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica. - 01/02/2013
  • Hi Adriana

    Just a note to let you know we all had a brilliant time on this trip and everthing went to plan apart from seeing some of the birds that we wanted but that always gives me a good excuse for visiting again.

    I have now come down to earth and getting over jetlag and adjusting to the cold temperatures back in the UK and starting to sort through all the amazing photos that I was able to take.

    Thanks for all your hard work putting this trip together for me.

    I would also like to say that Hector our guide and Mario our driver were excellent as were all the Hotels/Lodges that we stayed including all food – BRILLIANT.

    I will get in touch with you when I intend visiting next.


    Best Regards,

    Steve Brookes, UK - 29/12/2012
  • Hello Glenn

    Thank you very much for great travel experience with your travel agency. The trip was excellent (so yours name brand name is true J).

    Everything was perfect. We are in love with Costa Rica. Btw, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Best regards,

    Piotr Mroczek - 28/12/2012
  • Catalina,

    Tour guide asked us to send feedback on vacation (7 Dec – 16 Dec)

    Trip was excellent. Hotels were from good to excellent. Transfers were extremely well handled with all collections extremely punctual and the drivers were so courteous and well informed. Tours were excellent and all guides were extremely knowledgeable, friendly and courteous. Tour guides were amazing, they showed good knowledge of country, flora and fauna and showed their love of CR. All drivers were professional and were quick to point out sites of interest, wildlife etc. I cannot fault the trip and we would readily use you again and recommend you to others. Top marks. We loved Costa Rica and can’t wait to come back.

    Non Davies, UK - 07/12/2012
  • Glenn,

    I had a great trip! Thank you for setting everything up. It rained a lot, but I knew that might happen when I decided to go to the Caribbean side in November. It didn’t stop me from taking a great hike in Cahuita (where we saw lots of animals) or from enjoying Tortuguero. I live in Los Angeles where it never rains and the weather is always good, so it doesn’t bother me if the weather isn’t perfect when I go on vacation.

    Tamarindo was hot and dry and beach was fantastic. The day trip from there to Granada, Nicaragua was very interesting. In Tamarindo, the Hotel Diria was very nice (being right on the beach was fantastic), but they are doing some construction on the hotel right now. You might want to ask when they will be finished for your future guests.

    All of the transfer drivers were good, but Henry was excellent. He drove me to Tamarindo and taught me a lot along the way.

    Christine - 01/11/2012
  • Hola Kattia! Ya estoy de vuelta a Barcelona y al trabajo! 🙁

    Quería agradecerte todas tus gestiones, comentarte que el viaje ha sido una auténtica maravilla, todo salió a la perfección, no tuvimos problemas con nada, ni con el coche, ni carreteras, ni la gente …. un viaje redondo, perfecto!!!

    Ya le he dado las gracias a Bea Rayo por el gran regalo de boda, el raffting por Rio Celeste fue estupendo y nos los pasamos super bien, los guias son la bomba, si pudieses mandar un abrazo a Manuel, Gigi y todo el equipo seria estupendo.El Canopy y los puentes colgantes muy divertidos, las tirolinas son brutales y el trato recibido inmejorable.

    No se cuanto podremos volver a Costa Rica, pero nos llevamos un gran recuerdo de toda la gente, relamente sois todos PURA VIDA!!!

    Espero poder contactar contigo en otra ocasión, si algun cliente o amigo quiere ir a Costa Rica seguro que lo haré!

    Espero que todo te vaya genial !!

    Recibe un fuerte abrazo y PURA VIDA!!!

    Elisabeth Reyes - 01/09/2012
  • Hola Natalia.

    Bueno yo todavía paseando e inspeccionando tu bello país, hoy regresada de Mawamba, desove de tortugas y lluvia mediante, el destino fue mejor aún que mis expectativas.

    Recién llegada a San José, salí a caminar con la idea de pasar por la oficina, pero el tiempo pasó tan rápido que al mirar el reloj ya eran las 19.30 hs !!, mañana parto para Manuel Antonio, de acuerdo a como vaya todo, veré de hacerme un tiempo y saludarte al regreso.

    Puntualmente y lo que al Fam concierne quiero agradecer la calidez y la calidad del mismo, aunque confieso que con respecto a los servicios, parte de los mismos, antes que yo, los experimentó mi pasajero, de quien oportunamente le hice llegar mi satisfacción a Carlos Quesada, así es que doblemente satisfecha.

    Sonia - 01/08/2012

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