• We, 5 middle-aged adults, recently returned from Costa Rica (Jan-feb 2018). Cindy from Travel Excellence arranged our whole trip. It was excellent. We were in Costa Rica for 18 nights.  We stayed in 6 different exceptional hotels and had 7+ different transports and a couple excursions all arranged by the patience of Cindy.

    Initially, I booked our trip on Expedia and Booking.com but when Travel Excellence agreed to arrange a comparable trip and stay almost within our budget, we decided to hand over our trip to their capable hands. Cindy worked hard to match our plans/budget. She also made some helpful (and cost saving) suggestions (i.e. stay at this hotel because they have free shuttle to airport) that we did not know because we have never been to Costa Rica.

    She helped us decide our excursions and told us which ones to book ahead and which ones could wait until we arrived. She arranged all our transportation and they were always on time. When we got off the plane in San Jose on our first day, there was a lady from Travel Excellence there to greet us and after that, I relaxed and everything went smoothly.

    Every transaction was very professional, honest, attentive, responsible and reasonable.  I will recommend your company to our many friends and family that now want to visit Costa Rica after seeing our incredible pictures and hearing our stories.  I will return to Costa Rica …I absolutely loved it.

    It was a trip of a lifetime….THANK YOU so much.

    Lisa Gerard

    Alberta, Canada

    Lisa Gerard - 16/02/2018
  • Message for Cindy.

    Thank you so much for arranging our wonderful holiday.

    The attention to detail was excellent. You listened to our requirements and set up really great locations and guided trips.

    We are truly grateful to you at Travel Excellence for helping to create such super memories.

    When asked at hotels and by guides who organised our trip, they all agreed that T. Ex.

    Always sorts things well. Well done and thanks again.

    Patricia And Fiona Greenbeck

    Patricia and Fiona Greenbeck - 08/02/2018
  • Lily,

    We are now at the airport waiting for our return flight home.

    We have had a marvellous holiday and we have been extremely impressed with our drivers (always on time) and the hotels we have stayed in.

    Thank you so much for arranging it all and we shall certainly let our friends know how good Travel Excellence is.  Now that we can fly direct from London to  Costa Rica, I am certain more English people will wish to come here.
    Many thanks for all your help


    Margaret Marten - 04/01/2018
  • Good morning miss Viquez,

    Just back from your amazing country, thank you for everything,

    For you precious advises (4wd, hotels choices and Arenal Park bridge excursion)

    Everything was amazing.

    If you have any satisfaction form, I would be happy to filled it in and recommend you.

    I wish you all the best and may come back in Costa Rica 😉

    Best regards

    Christophe Bauthier

    Christophe Bauthier - 02/01/2018
  • Dear Cindy,

    Happy new year!!

    With all the holiday craziness, getting settled back home and back in time and having family from the US visit a few days after our arrival, this thank you is coming late but still most heartfelt. THANK YOU for all the work you put into it!!

    We had the most wonderful trip. Everything was really smooth and the accommodations where super. We could just drop off the key at the drop box of the hotel in San Jose, which was so great. I attached a pic of us, so that you know who you dealt with.

    Pura Vida


    Rebecca Owens - 21/12/2017
  • Hi Lily,

    Mike and I had a wonderful time in Costa Rica.  All of the activities were fantastic.  Our favourite day was the adventure day at Hacienda Guachipelin.  We will have many great memories.
    One update for you, the Rio Celeste hiking, no longer allows you to swim in the park.  The information in the package said we should bring bathing suits and towel, this is no longer the case.
    Thank you so much for your help with planning. I will recommend Travel Excellence to anyone I know going to Costa Rica in the future.

    Kind Regards,

    Kerry - 16/12/2017
  • Cindy,

    Here are some random thoughts and observations about our trip.

    • We all thoroughly enjoyed the La Paz Waterfall Gardens. It was a good start for the trip
    • I was disappointed that we couldn’t see the Poas volcano, but no one could control that!
    • Some of us would say the River Flat Trip was a favorite part of the trip.  We especially enjoyed when one of the naturalists found a poisonous dart frog for us to see.  It was very relaxing, plus it was fun to eat the snack at the farm. The plantains were quite good there.
    • We were glad to go on the horseback ride.  It was nice to have the two stops along the way:  the waterfall on the Fortuna River and the exhibit of the Native Peoples.  (Personally, I don’t need to ride horseback again—but the kids enjoyed it!)
    • Unfortunately we didn’t see a quetzal at the Monteverde Biological Reserve.
    • The Selvatura Park zip line was fabulous.  It was very foggy and misty the day we were there, but it was still fun.  We all especially enjoyed the Tarzan swing at the end.  We didn’t have much time to walk on the hanging bridges and it was raining quite a bit then, but we still enjoyed it.
    • The Don Juan tour was very interesting and informative.  Our guide was quite good and related well to the kids.
    • We enjoyed all the hotels: Apartotel Villas Del Rio, Arenal Paraiso, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Hotel, and Tamarindo Diria.  It was nice to be at a hotel for more than one night. The restaurant at the Cloud Forest was the best—they were proud that they used a lot of locally sourced foods.  Also, do you know there is a Stucki Restaurant in Monteverde?  We didn’t actually see it, but the hotel staff told us about it.
    • One of the grandsons said one of his favorite parts was the hot springs at Arenal Paraiso.
    • All of the guides were quite knowledgeable and friendly and helpful.
    • The trip was well organized with a right balance of planned activity and free time.  I think many of us were in bed by 8:00 each evening!
    • Being at a resort on the ocean was a good way to end the trip.

    So, thanks again for your help.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Costa Rica.  We are highly recommending such a trip to anyone who asks.  And we’ll recommend you to anyone who might want specific information.

    It is windy and cold in Ohio today.  I just remember the warm sun on my body at the beach!

    Have a wonderful holiday.


    Tom and Bonnie Stuckey

    Tom and Bonnie Stuckey - 08/12/2017
  • Hola muy buenos días Lily​

    Agradezco tu atención.

    Realmente tuvimos un viaje estupendo, tu país es maravilloso pero aun mejor las atenciones que recibimos por parte de toda la gente.

    Espero en Dios regresar pronto para conocer otro poquito de la grandeza de tu país y tu cultura

    Saludos y un fuerte abrazo


    Gildardo Rodriguez - 04/10/2017
  • Hi Lily,

    Carlos and I had an incredibly amazing time in Costa Rica. Even though we visited in the high rain season, each day was eventful and lively. The accommodations were spectacular and activities were breathtaking. We constantly talk about our travels to the beautiful country.

    We’re looking forward to next year’s vacation are starting to create ideas. Does Travel Excellence service other countries? We are very active and curious and look forward to exploring a new part of the world.
    Thanks again for all your help. Travel Excellence has set the standard for our travel needs.

    ​ Kumar & Carlos Alas​

    Kumar & Carlos Alas - 01/10/2017
  • Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for the below email, we didn’t pick it up at the time but there was no real issue getting to the Windham in the end as the hotel paid for the taxi we got which was very good of them.

    Kayleigh and I had the most amazing time away and thought we would like to feedback some key points to you to help you continue delivering a great service in the future:

    • The info and vouchers we received upon arrival were incredibly thorough and useful. If the had included details on the above transfer back to the Windham they would have been faultless.
    • Thank you for the bottle of water on arrival off the place when we were greeted by the driver  – it is sometimes the little things on holiday that go a long way
    • Kayleigh and I both got vey unwell after drinking the tap water at the Mountain Paridise Hotel, despite the hotel having signs that this water is drinkable. Whilst we accept this is our own responsibility, please ensure that this issue is communicated to all future travellers with “travel excellence” very clearly as we don’t want other people to ruin 48 hours of their holiday as we did.
    • Casa Corcavado is the most amazing place we have ever been and I would recommend you build this into more of your future itineries for your customers who don’t mind sleeping without aircon etc and are in the country for a proper adventure holiday with a bit more seclusion.
    • Thank you for notifying the hotels of our honeymoon, we got an upgrade in the Windham and Evergreen Lodge made us a very fancy cocktail – it is sometimes the little things on holiday that go a long way

    Thanks again for your professionalism and attentiveness and for putting together a great holiday!

    Kind regards,

    David and Kayleigh

    David and Kayleigh - 20/09/2017
  • Hello

    We just arrived home to Norway after 2 wonderful weeks in Costa Rica. We used you service traveling from place to place. Thank you for you great service that was a big part of making our trip perfect! Always on time, always clean and nice cars and always great and polite drivers. They are all very serviceminded and informative. They learned us a lot about Costa Rica.Thank you again and say thank you to all of the people involved

    Aino, Kenneth and Lina



    Aino Midtsveen - 01/08/2017
  • Ciao Cindy ritornati in Italia da meno di una settimana ed il Costa Rica già ci manca! Siamo stati benissimo e voglio ringraziarti per la splendida organizzazione.

    Complimenti a te alla tua azienda e al personale tutto. Se vieni a Roma conta su di noi.
    Un caro abbraccio, ciao


    Vitolo Valerio - 01/08/2017
  • Hola Blanca,

    It was with much sadness that we finally had to leave Costa Rica earlier this week and return home to England.  I can honestly say that my entire family fell in love with your beautiful country, the fabulous wildlife and the friendly people.  We have come home with very happy memories of a very special holiday.  I would therefore like to say a big “Thank you” to everyone at Travel Excellence who were involved in putting the itinerary together for our 2 week tour, and especially to you for all of your help whilst we were on tour in answering questions and making changes and amendments.  It was very comforting to know that we had someone on hand who was able to help us when it was needed!  I was very impressed with the organisation of our tour which was executed flawlessly – everything took place on time with no problems, all the drivers were very friendly and helpful etc.

    I shall have no hesitation in recommending Travel Excellence to friends who may be thinking of a similar holiday to Costa Rica in the future.

    With best regards,

    Simon Nicholson - 01/08/2017
  • Hi Xinia, Blanca, Cindy,

    All went well with the services you arranged for us.
    At the Laguna Lodge we had Carlos and Martha as guides: they have great knowledge of Costa Rica, animales and nature and are well organised.
    At Fortuna, the tour with Ecoterra was also very good: well organised, good guides with great knowledge.
    We had a great time!

    Thanks to you all!

    Hilde, Patrick, Frederik

    Patrick & Hilde - 01/07/2017
  • Esmeralda and the team of Travel Excellence:

    I would like to take a moment to once again commend the entire team at Travel Excellence for a job very well done.

    Visiting a country for the first time with a very important client and providing the client with a successful incentive program is no easy task, however, partnering with Travel Excellence on the execution of all logistics for the program proved to be essential and was the driving force behind its success.

    From first contact at our site visit my client and I were equally impressed with the knowledge and pleasant yet professional approach that was taken. Throughout the planning process our willingness to revise ideas and plans was priceless and we are very thankful for your creativity and recommendations on every level. Transportation, tours, theme parties, staffing – all was superb and all competitively priced. (Although I would doubt any other company would have the strength of your fabulous staff to back them up).

    I have to say that from the drivers of the tour buses through to the hospitality staff and logistical staff – everyone was helpful, courteous and went out of their way to insure our attendees were tended to and happy.

    My clients and I were thankful that we partnered and truly believe we owe most of the success to Travel Excellence and their wonderful team. I only wish we could take everyone with us wherever we go because it’s not often the case to achieve 100% satisfaction and experience such wonderful, warm and friendly staff.

    I hope to bring more clients to Costa Rica and will absolutely contact Travel Excellence when I do! They’re life savers and a team you want with you every step of the way.

    I would highly recommend them and their services.

    Carrie Negrinelli
    Director, Groups and Meetings
    Travel Exchange, A Virtuoso Agency

    ​Carrie Negrinelli - 01/07/2017

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