Birding season in Monteverde

Throughout the entire year, Monteverde is one of the best destinations in Costa Rica for birdwatching; especially from April to June when the nesting season of the Resplendent Quetzal corresponds also with the migration season of the Three-wattled Bellbird.
During these months, many especial activities for birding enthusiasts take place, including talks and workshops, photography contests and promotional packages. In addition, the Global Big Day, the most important birdwatching event in the world, will take place on May 4th; during this day some hotels in the area will be offering specialized birdwatching hikes.
Travel Excellence joins this celebration supporting the different hotels in the area. Do not hesitate to ask us for the list of activities available for birdwatchers visiting Monteverde within the next months.

We are active members of the most important tourist associations, both national and international.

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